Affiliated Under University of Calcutta, Registered under 2f and 12B of UGC Act.[ NAAC Accredited with Grade B+ ] | ISO 9001:2015 Certified


Teachers used ICT enabled Tools for effective Teaching Learning Process

All departments have been depending on ICT tools for teaching and learning during the time of Covid-19 Pandemic through different applications like Google-meet, Zoom meeting etc. They shared class notes, reference materials, Power Point presentations through above mentioned platforms. They also used web tools like whatsapp, e mail, Google Classrooms to reach out to the students. Answer scripts were evaluated by using various online tools like Kami, Adobe, MS Edge etc.

With the advancement of technology, the various departments of this institution incorporate ICT- enabled lecture sessions along with the conventional traditional methods. These sessions help the students to comprehend the concepts clearly. Many departments conduct projector-based lectures and power-point presentations. Departments also screen documentary and relevant feature films for effective teaching-learning processes. Furthermore, the Department of Commerce uses ICT-enabled learning methods to teach Information Technology, which is an integral part of the syllabus. There is provision for the students to easily access the study materials uploaded in the Google Classroom.

Library is automated (partially) using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)
  • Name of ILMS software: Koha
  • Nature of automation (fully or partially): Partially
  • Version: 21.05
  • Year of Automation 2013

The overall system of library management goes hand in hand with manual skill and technological skill based on Koha software. The OPAC helps to provide effective lending and reference services. The N-LIST database subscribed from INFLIBNET enriches the library services by providing scholarly content. The Facebook page of college library (VIC Library: An Online (24x7) Initiative) provides e-books and articles to student in open access mode.

Teachers are taking classes using projector

Interactive class using power point presentation

Online Practical classes are going on using virtual lab

Photos of Computer practical class

Extension Lectures using ICT Facilities

Students using ICT for presentation, seminar etc

Online presentation by students

Practical Classes are going on